3 Gründe, sich für TROIDO zu entscheiden
- 01
Lösungen für die App-Entwicklung
Wir decken den gesamten Weg von der Idee bis zur Veröffentlichung des vollwertigen mobilen Produktes ab. Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Produktstrategie, dem UI/UX-Design und natürlich der nativen Android und iOS App-Entwicklung inklusive aller Tests und einer Beratung zur Markteinführung.
- 02
In den letzten 10 Jahren haben wir an über 65 Projekten gearbeitet, unter anderem im Transportwesen und für Mobilfunkanbieter. In vielen dieser Projekte haben wir durch IoT Lösungen auf Basis des BLE-Standards einen Mehrwert geschaffen. Unser Team, welches auf langjährige Android Erfahrung zurückgreifen kann, löst für Sie selbst die komplexesten Probleme.
- 03
Fokus auf Effizienz und Effektivität
Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das in die Verbesserung unseres Teams investiert. Wir konzentrieren uns darauf, unser Wissen durch Zertifizierungen in verschiedenen Technologien ständig zu erweitern und arbeiten unermüdlich daran, unsere Softwareentwicklungsprozesse zu perfektionieren, damit wir unseren Kunden den höchsten Wert liefern können. Wir beschränken uns nicht nur auf die technischen Aspekte, sondern bauen auch eine enge Beziehung zu unseren Kunden auf, indem wir mit ihnen kommunizieren und ihr Feedback einbeziehen, damit wir die Produkte nach den Wünschen unserer Kunden optimieren können.
Ergebnisorientierter Entwicklungsprozess für mobile Anwendungen
Von der Idee zur App/Lösung
Wir haben seit 1999 einen langen Weg zurückgelegt
- 2000
First mobile solution from Simvelop. It is a syncing PC program and the corresponding Palm software for the Palm m100.
These first mobile steps build a fundament for our later developments for the mobile platform. It put the mobile in our DNA.
- 2001
PC Suite for converting colour images into the monochrome WBMP format, allowing the user to adjust various settings seeing the result in real time and such being the best looking image for the black and white screen.
The WAP game creator is a PC program for creating game storylines based on WBMP images and compiling them into a playable game.
- 2003
- 2004
- 2006
- 2008
Google publishes Android as a new OS for Smartphones. Simvelop opens the troido Android Consulting as the first Android agency.
Following our “mobile DNA”, our passion for mobile technologies, we decide to put all other projects on hold and invest in emerging markets of Android.
The troido logo is the Android logo with added tie standing for consultancy but also for the Croatian heritage of the founder.
- 2009
Development of the WidgetPackager, a tool for developers of Apps for the Palm webOS platform. Before Android and iOS share the mobile cake between them, there was a market for web-based smartphones like the Palm Pre, based on the webOS.
The Vodafone Widget Packager is a multi-platform tool for fast and painless development and deployment of web-based applications.
- 2010
troido builds the first ever outgoing firewall for Android intended to give the user the control over his data traffic caused by apps and over his privacy. Since Android had no control of data usage onboard every single app could use an existing Internet connection to phone home causing a high cost on the small data packages at that time. Our solution makes it possible to restrict apps from Internet usage giving the user the full control.
The Vodafone Data Manager is the first troido app to be embedded on a phone by an operator.
- 2011
troido starts building the Vodafone Signature Widget which for years will be the prominent face of all Vodafone Branded Devices and pre-embedded on more than 5 million devices.
The Signature Widget is sitting on top of your lock and your home screen displaying the time, the weather, appointments and notifications.
Google publishes the Android Accessory Development Kit as schematics. The purpose of the hardware is to give android phones an interface for controlling and measuring.
troido starts its first own hardware production and is the first producer of ADK in Europe. Soon troido becomes the only supplier of ADKs worldwide.
troido builds the prototype of the world wide first Facebook Phone. The whole phone, targeted to the emerging markets, is based on Facebook services (contacts, calendar…).
The phone prototype is later ported to the MediaTek platform and launched as the Vodafone 555 Blue.
- 2012
- 2013
troido acquires Holland9 and opens an office in the Netherlands to organise the droidcon Amsterdam.
As Android experts from the first hour we put all our expertise to select the best topics and talks and make this conference an unforgettable event.
- 2014
- In 2014 the droidcon Amsterdam takes place for the second time under our flag, gathering speakers and visitors from all over the world to discuss all kinds of mobile technologies.
Getting our hands on one of the first Beta Chromecasts we wrote a small and fun multiplayer game where you guess movie names shown as emojis (Spider emoji + Man emoji = Spiderman).
You could play it with or better said against friends and family using one TV and multiple mobile devices.
Google soon discovered the game and partnered with us to improve it for the big Chromecast gaming release. We were presented on Google I/O main stage, gizmodo, engadget, techcrunch and more
Our first BLE hardware to control and measure using Android.
Since our ADK was a great success and customer asked us for a wireless solution, we decided to go for Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and created our own design for such a controller. For this project we extended our hardware building capabilities, built a hardware and maker lab, and deployed an electronics engineer.
This first steps later resulted in founding of aconno as a pure hardware and IoT startup.
- 2015
We introduced the 32h, a 4-day week, where on Fridays we don’t work but learn and improve our skills.
We call it the Green Friday. It always starts with a rich and healthy breakfast and casual team talks to sum up the week. The rest of the day we spend exploring new technologies: BLE, IoT, Security, Android, just to name a few.
After our 2 years of successfully hosting droidcon Amsterdam we decided to move the franchise to Zagreb.
Over 500 visitors and speakers from over 25 countries and the big TV and press coverage in Croatia and neighbouring countries made our first Croatian droidcon the biggest mobile conference in South-East Europe.
We decided to continue and extend our hardware developing capabilities as a new enterprise aconno. Soon after its foundation aconno becomes a rising star on IoT market delivering products to industrial giants like Bosch, SAP, Vodafone, etc.
troido continues IoT development of mobile solutions for the hardware build by aconno.
- 2016
After the tremendous success of droidcon Zagreb 2015 we organised the second edition – bigger, longer and louder than before.
3 Days, over 650 visitors and speakers from over 30 countries (Google, Intel, Facebook, etc.) made it again the biggest mobile conference in South-East Europe.
- 2018
- 2020
As a big IoT project we designed and built the Firmware, Services for iOS and Android, the Cloud Architecture and the Backend for a Banking IoT solution for the kids.
Our highly scalable solution implements a high security standard certified by a leading Fintech provider.
- 2021
BLESS is a suite of libraries and tools, available for various ARM cortexes, iOS and Android. It provides easy and effortless communication between mobile and embedded devices.
Included services are: BLE discovery, location, cryptography, fast data transfer, settings, UI components, background scanning, etc.
BLESS makes building BLE based IoT solutions possible in a fragment of time it usually takes with a minimum of BLE internal knowledge needed.
International Huawei 5G Augmented Reality Hackathon 2020 3rd place winner and won the Urbanana Award with 10/10 Points for our App "Dance for Düsseldorf".
With the help of the Huawei Body Tracking Technology, the software recognizes the dance movements via the camera precisely based on the body movements and awards points for the dance performance. This creates a playful competition and the desire to see or dance as many sights as possible.
- 2022
Unsere Büros und das Team
Finanz- und Rechnungswesen
Mobile Entwickler
Mobile Entwickler
Mobile Entwickler
Wir sind ausgezeichnet
Internationale Android-Konferenzen
droidcon Amsterdam & Zagreb
- Vernetzung
- Workshops
- Hackatons
- Internationale Referenten
Hier passiert die Magie
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